We are catalysts, coaches, and consultants…focused on purpose, process, and people.
We work with high-character leaders who have the vision and courage to transform themselves, their teams, their boards, their organizations, and their communities.
Leaders who have taken the leap with us to help them with these transformations have realized over $800 million in improvements and savings by finally having Conversations that Matter™ and using the FAST Path™ tools to transform their cultures and processes.
Industries and Sectors where Creative Change Associates has successfully catalyzed, coached, consulted, and co-conspired:
Associations, Bio-Tech & Life Sciences, Defense/Military, Design & Engineering, Education, Energy, Government, Healthcare, High-Tech, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Mass Media & Communications, Non-Profits/NGOs, Professional Services, Public Safety & Emergency Services, Transportation
The Creative Change Alphabet (our areas of primary focus):
- 3Ps: Purpose, Process, People
- 5Ds: Discovery, Diagnosis, Design, Deployment, Do It Again
- 5Ts: Transparency, Tolerance, Truth, Trust, Teamwork
- 7Cs: Communication, Common language, Conversations that Matter™, Collaboration, Community, Commitment, Courage (and Clarity)
The foundations of our work include:
- Denison’s Culture Change Model
- Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Leading Change
- Drucker’s Theory of the Business
- Cooperrider’s Appreciative Inquiry
- Senge’s Organizational Learning
- Collins’ Good to Great
- Spiral Dynamics
- Large-Scale Change
- World Café
- Open Space Technology
- Systems Thinking
- Strategic Thinking Kaizen, 6 Sigma, TQM, Lean Thinking
Our guiding principles:
- Inclusion… engaging all those who are affected… individuals, organizations & communities… ensuring everyone has a place at the table
- Appreciation and encouragement… acknowledging and recognizing the contributions of others
- Challenge the status quo… willingness to think outside the box, take risks, ask the provocative questions and speak truth to power
- Premium on speed… making timely decisions & actions with no compromise of quality or integrity
- Cannot communicate too much, too often, or in too many ways
- Ask instead of tell… coaching, facilitating, leading & teaching, rather than managing & controlling
- The essence of our work is relationships… it’s how stuff gets done
- Conversations that Matter… don’t waste time talking about stuff that doesn’t really count
- Future-focused… this is where we’ll be spending all of our time so let’s be thinking about it
Want to get to know us better? Contact us and let’s start a conversation that matters.